You will no longer have to ramble across websites fighting with clickunders, banners, and other malicious objects from dubious websites. MediaGet gathers information from all the Internet and conveniently displays the results. All you need to do is choose the content you want.
MediaGet is always at your fingertips.
Sync MediaGet with a smartphone, tablet, laptop, and smart TV.
If you have no idea how to find it, you can use our built-in catalog and search engine. MediaGet will find files as you requested. It is much more secure than if you've visited unfamiliar websites with free content directly. Usually, such websites contain many malicious ads, while with MediaGet, you receive filtered content.
MediaGet is safe and secure! TRUSTED SINCE 2009.
Do not be afraid about using MediaGet! We guarantee that our app does not have viruses nor any malicious code that can harm your device in any way.