Dubbing, subtitles, voting — everything you need to know about the latest update

Dear users!

We have prepared a special New Year update for you with significant and necessary features. Now you can get more information about any torrent that you download. The video player has become even more comfortable. And finally, as a bonus, we have updated the catalog with more exciting features that certainly will not be missed by you.

So, here is what you can do in the catalog now:

  • filter torrents by dubbing/subtitle language;
  • see more information about torrents (language, subtitles, codecs, and rating);
  • like or "dislike" any torrent.

You can also use filters by voice and subtitles when searching for movies and TV series!

All of the features from above are available for the desktop version of MediaGet now. Go to our homepage and download the latest version of the app. And don't forget to send us feedback and share what you think about this! We are always happy to answer your questions or help with any issue!

Take care!

The MediaGet team 

Dubbing, subtitles, voting — everything you need to know about the latest update